Restore MN was honored to work with a number of area groups to host former Congresswoman Michelle Bachman to come and speak to Minnesotans about what role as believers we can play in this new presidency. It was a wonderful evening of prayer, worship, and encouragement. Bachman’s number one piece of advice was to PRAY. Pray for our President, his advisors, our leaders on all levels, and America as a whole. With Freedom comes responsibility. Our responsibility is to live out our faith and values daily. Thank you to all who came to intercede in prayer for America, to Living Word for hosting the meeting, and Michelle Bachman for her time and motivational encouragement. May the Lord be Praised!
* Watch the recording from Living Word here (link in the works)
Psalm 93
God’s Eternal Reign
1 The Lord reigns! He is robed in majesty;
The Lord is robed, enveloped in strength.
The world is firmly established;
it cannot be shaken.
2 Your throne has been established
from the beginning;
You are from eternity.
3 The floods have lifted up, Lord,
the floods have lifted up their voice;
the floods lift up their pounding waves.
4 Greater than the roar of many waters—
the mighty breakers of the sea—
the Lord on high is majestic.
5 Lord, Your testimonies are completely reliable;
holiness is the beauty of Your house
for all the days to come.
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