1- Process of Legislation
2- House and Senate Politics
3- How to Help! Put your Passion into Action!
4- Ways to Voice your Opinion on a Bill
5- How to Watch Committee Hearings
6- How to follow a bill
7- Upcoming Legislation! *The Calendar is constantly being updated the following is wha is current as of today. for the most up to date info please check out – Combined Calendar – Minnesota Legislature
*Restore MN Action is a 501C4 division of Restore MN.
While it is still early in session, legislation is making its way through the process.
1- Process of legislation:
- A bill must have at least 3 readings; meaning it is presented to the floor, then sent to the committees for modification, before being presented to the body as a whole for finally passage. If there are any differences between the house and senate versions the bill is sent to a conference committee before coming back to the legislators for an up or down vote. Then it heads to the Governor for a enactment or a veto
2- House and Senate Politics
Both houses should be in session the House democrats are frustrated over their loss of the majority and are refusing to show up thus denying quorum and grinding business to a halt. The Republicans continue to show up every day ready to do their jobs! (please consider writing a letter to the editor and help get out the word that the entire house democrat caucus is absent of duty)The Senate, meanwhile, is currently at 33-33 split even. So they are sharing duty with joint chairs and equal committee members for the time being. As a result, more republican bill are being heard at the moment. There was just a Special Election this last Tues. Jan 28th that went to the democrats. The power sharing agreement will likely end once the new senator is sworn into office. (It should also be noted that Sen Mitchell’s criminal burglary hearing has been delayed till after session and she continues to make laws; a number of which she has allegedly broken.)
3 – How to help!:
- Voting is just the beginning of our civic duty. We as citizens have the opportunity to put a face to legislation. For or against, positive or negative we have the opportunity to voice opinions and insights into how legislation will affect everyday citizens. Your voice is needed!Often it is easy to get riled up regarding a piece of legislation we find damaging or offensive. However, good legislation needs our praise and support just as much!.
Follow the calendar to see what legislation is upcoming – Combined Calendar – Minnesota Legislature
4- Ways to Voice your Opinion on a Bill (Explanation Video here – https://youtu.be/8UhzNZ3FsKQ?si=W5-SeDAsst9QV64E ) When you see a Bill that piques your interest, let your voice be heard! Everyday citizens put a face to legislation. We bring reality back to the bubble of politics. You do not have to be an expert to be a citizen testifier. There are 3 ways to share your insights.
- Written Testimony – email the Committee Administrators at least 24 hours in advance or otherwise mentioned on the calendar. Your letter must be submitted via PDF format and include the Bill number.
- Verbal Testimony – again, contact the Committee Administrator at least 24 hours ahead of time. You may but are not required to submit a written copy of your speech for the legislator packet. You may speak in person at the committee room or zoom is often a possibility.
- Contact the individual legislators on the committee – If you click on the committee name it will hyper link you to the committee page where all committee members and staff are listed. From here you can gingivally contact each member via e-mail or phone regarding a piece of legislation. A quick catchy header is helpful. Along with a couple short paragraphs explaining your position on said bill.
5- A person can watch committee hearings here
- Senate– Tomczak – AM 1280 the Patriot – Deputy Chair Interview – ReviveMNGOP
- House – MNHouseInfo – YouTube
- Session Recaps are here
- Senate – https://youtube.com/
playlist?list=PLQrdopvUO_ UcwtkUDHJC1QhDIuKKD7wYf&si= C2cTA3_r9xuyd1GK - House – Session Daily Home
6- How to follow a bill
When you discover a bill you wish to follow you can sign up to receive updates as to where the legislation is moving.* Each bill has a companion bill in the opposite house you will want to sign up for both! – MyBills
- Explanation video – https://youtu.be/aIVnsAr_mBI?si=r77roD9G0Wwpi6Z_
7- Upcoming Legislation you may be interested in:
- * If you miss the date to sign up for testimony you can always click on the committee, see the members and e-mail them directly.
- * Click on the bill number for a direct link
MONDAY 2-3-25
Judiciary and Public Safety
Monday, February 3, 2025 12:30 PM
Location: Hybrid Hearing G-15 Capitol and Remote
- Chair: Senator Warren Limmer and Senator Ron Latz
- Please submit documents to be posted for committee members by January 31, 2025, 12:00 pm. Late submissions may Not be posted in advance of the hearing Or included in prepared materials for committee members.
- Agenda:
- S.F. 0009 RestCommissioner of revenue requirement to establish an online system to claim the political contribution refund
- S.F. 0011 RestExemption modification for firearm storage units
* This bill SF11:– expands sales tax exemptions for firearm safety and storage devices;– adds privacy protections– find more info here – What’s happening in the 2025 Legislative Session? – Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus– direct link to bill – SF 11 as introduced – 94th Legislature (2025 – 2026)
Monday, February 3, 2025 3:00 PM
Location: 1150 Minnesota Senate Bldg.
- Chair: Senator Torrey N. Westrom and Senator Aric Putnam
- Senator Westrom will have the gavel.To submit documents or request testimony, email the Committee Administrator (nick.roth@mnsenate.gov) by 3:00PM, Sunday, February 2, 2025 . Late submissions may not be posted or included in prepared materials for committee members.TESTIMONY: Include the bill number, your name, title and/or organization and whether your testimony will be in support or opposition.
- Agenda:
- S.F. 0391 LieskeCottage foods exemption amendment
- S.F. 0310 DorninkEmployee definition modified for the purposes of earned sick and safe time
TUESDAY 2-4-25
Tuesday, February 4, 2025 3:00 PM
Location: 1150 Minnesota Senate Bldg.
- Chair: Senator Foung Hawj and Senator Justin D. Eichorn
- Please submit documents to be posted for committee members by February 3, 2025, 3:00 pm. Late submissions may Not be posted in advance of the hearing Or included in prepared materials for committee members.
- TESTIMONY: You must submit your testimony request using the 2/4/25 Testimony Request Form below. Email submissions may not be included. Requests for zoom testimony must be made at least 24 hours in advance of the hearing. Testimony may be limited at the discretion of the chair. 2/4/25 Testimony Request Form
- HANDOUTS: Please send electronically in an accessible .pdf format to kara.josephson@mnsenate.gov at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. All documents must be named as follows: Senate File # – Organization or Individual’s Name – Title of Document. Incorrectly named files or late submissions may not be accepted. You may also deliver 30 hard copies to 3231 (Maikao) or 3228 (Kara) MSB.
- ***NOTE: Due to the fluid nature of the Legislature, the agenda order is subject to change.***
- Agenda:
- S.F. 0770 HawjOutdoor Heritage Fund appropriation and certain land leveraging for federal grant funds authorization provision
- S.F. 0689 WesenbergBear hunter preference points accumulation for youth authorization
- S.F. 0742 WesenbergUse of purple paint authorization in lieu of signage prohibiting trespassing
- S.F. 0811 HauschildEating certain beavers prohibition repealer
* Legislation is added to the calendar all the time. Check here Combined Calendar – Minnesota Legislature for the most up to date info.
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