Have you ever been part of an organization, perhaps even the company at which you work, where there is a written mission statement that succinctly tells the world why that company exists? Not only have I been part of several, but in my corporate sales days I visited hundreds of companies that proudly displayed, some in magnificent ways, their company’s mission statement.

The question mark for many of those companies was that it too often seemed as if the stated mission, exposed for all the world to see, had little if anything to do with how the company actually did business. In fact few, if any, of the employees could even tell you how the company mission statement guided their particular jobs. Many employees couldn’t even tell you what the corporate mission statement was.

Here is the Restore Minnesota mission statement:

Restore Minnesota exists to restore righteousness by promoting Biblical citizenship that educates, equips, empowers and encourages Holy Spirit-led engagement -county by county, community by community, family by family – through spiritual and civic transformation based on the Gospel, that is, the life and teachings, of Jesus Christ.

The Restore Minnesota mission statement was crafted over a period of time as God continued to reveal what it meant to “restore righteousness” in Minnesota. Please read it regularly on your own but especially at the opening of your CAT meetings. Bury it into your hearts.

Because, at Restore Minnesota, the mission is everything.

One final note, as you consider your end-of-the-year giving, please consider a tax-deductible gift to Restore Minnesota. Go to www.RestoreMN.org to donate. Thank you!


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