Transitions, even positive ones, can sometimes be challenging and important pieces can fall through the cracks.

As we at Restore Minnesota have been experiencing overall ministry growth, one important area I have neglected is being proactive in our communications with you, our faithful encouragers and supporters. Thankfully, God brought us some wonderful full-time ministry staff and dedicated volunteers to make up for this neglect.

Our website is going through a thorough upgrade that will make us a much more user-friendly resource as you progress in your journey of being a more effective “citizen of heaven called to be an ambassador to earth” (Philippians 3:20 &        2 Corinthians 5:20). Part of this includes a platform change for our communications to you. We discovered that, due to the platform we were using, too many of our emailed communications were either going to your spam folder or we were being blocked completely by certain email providers. The good news is we caught it and we are fixing it.

Please be on the lookout for more helpful information to be sent to you more regularly from Restore Minnesota. We’re thinking a monthly newsletter format interspersed with perhaps a weekly update will suffice. In a day of information overload, we’re looking to provide you with important information without overdoing the amount of correspondence you receive from us.

Thank you for hanging in there with us. We know many of you are attending Restore Minnesota-related events, including being a part of our local Community Action Teams (CATs). Thank you. In the meantime, we’re getting better for you. It will take all of us working together to restore righteousness in Minnesota. We’re just getting started.

For Faith, Families and Freedom –



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