Much concern is being expressed about amendments the Biden administration sent to the World Health Organization as they meet next week for the 75th World Health Assembly.
Many believe the sovereignty of the United States is at risk. Is that a legitimate concern? Would the Biden administration submit the United States of America to a potentially treasonous act by undermining our nation’s Constitution and making it subservient to the United Nations charter and the constitution of the World Health Organization?
After studying the 13-page document and communicating with two US Congressmen (one current, one retired) with committee assignments in foreign intelligence and national security, it is evident that our nation’s security and sovereignty are at risk.
The document of concern is Provisional Agenda Item 16.2. It is called “Strengthening WHO Preparedness For and Response To Health Emergencies: Proposal for Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005)”.
The amendments are tied to a base document known as the International Health Regulations of 2005. Here’s what we all need to know about the IHR:
“The IHR is a legally binding instrument of international law that aims for collaboration “to prevent, protect against, control, and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease in ways that are commensurate with and restricted to public health risks and that avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade.” Here are two sources:
With that background, here some additional facts:
- The May 2021 United Nations report called for more powers for the WHO stating that, “In its current form, the WHO does not possess such powers […] To move on with the treaty, WHO therefor needs to be empowered – financially and politically.
- The new amendments grant global emergency powers regarding healthcare and health emergencies solely to the Director-General of the WHO. Article 12, Section 2 on page 8 of the amendments gives power to the Director General of the WHO, his selected Emergency Committee and the newly established Compliance Committee. The Director-General of the WHO is Tedros Adhanom, an Ethiopian biologist. He is a friend of Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. Both are known to be favorable to a one world government globalist system. (Note: Some constitutionalists believe the definition of “healthcare and health emergencies” could and would likely be broadened by this committee to include our 2nd Amendment. What could go wrong here?
- Article 48, Section 2 on page 10 tells us “the Emergency Committee shall be composed of experts selected by the Director-General from the IHR Expert Roster and, when appropriate, other expert advisory panels of the Organization, as well as Regional Directors from any impacted region.”
- Article 15, Section 2 on page 9 tell us the recommendations from the Emergency Committee are “temporary”. These temporary recommendations “may include the deployment of expert teams as well as health measures to be implemented” in the affected area(s). There is no definition to the word “temporary”.
- Under “New Chapter IV (Article 53 bis-quater), the above procedures involving the affected nation(s) will be monitored by the newly established Compliance Committee. It appears that sovereign nations who do not meet the definition of compliance could be subject to sanctions, fines and other forms of punishment as deemed appropriate by the other members of the WHO.
- The new amendments “would come into force for all States Parties (editor’s note: sovereign nations) on the same terms, and subject to the same rules and obligations, as provided for in Article 22 of the Constitution of the WHO and Articles 59-64 of the International Health Regulations (2005).
- The new amendments undermine the opt-out clause the US signed in 2005 that would normally permit the US from opting out of the International Health Rules of the World Health Assembly. In other words, the United States of America, our Constitution and our freedom as an independent sovereign nation, become subject to a one-world governing board to which we must submit.
What can we do?
It was recommended to me that we flood the offices of Congressman Kevin McCarthy and Senator Mitch McConnell with phone calls respectfully demanding that Congress tell the Biden administration to withdraw the amendments or Congress will shut down every Biden administration agenda item, including sending additional funds to Ukraine. You can reach Congressman McCarthy’s office at 202.225.2915. Senator McConnell can be reached at 202.224.2541. The Senator’s mailbox has been full for a couple of days. He can be emailed directly on his Senate website.
Also, call your congressman and state senators. If you don’t know who they are, get on the internet and type “who are my congressmen and senators”. Follow the instructions.
Expect push-back.
Some in Congress do not believe this issue is really the threat we are describing. They have instructed the staff who answer the phones to tell you that. If they do, ask the following questions:
- Have you personally read the document in question? They will likely tell you, “no”.
- Who on the congressman’s/senator’s staff has read the document?
- Please have that person call me.
Don’t hold your breath waiting for a call. However, if your greatest fear comes to pass and they do call, tell them you are aware this document was meant to hold China accountable but the additional consequence is its mandates on all other nations to comply or risk international sanctions. Those sanctions prove our point that we have given away our sovereignty.
That response is exactly what one Congressman told me. If they ask your source of that information, tell them to go to and give us a call. I’ll be glad to have this conversation with them.
Our national sovereignty is at risk. We’re not giving it away.
For more information, click on the image below to watch my video.

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