The best place to find the answer to this question is at our Restore Minnesota website. This link will take you right there … Community Action Teams (CAT’s) – Restore Minnesota ( My goal is to provide some detail as to where these groups are currently active and how we have seen them impacting their communities and counties to help fulfill our mission …

to Restore Righteousness in Minnesota – county by county, community by community, family by family – through spiritual and civic transformation based on the gospel message of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.”

Restore Minnesota currently has 11 active CATs in 11 different counties, with another two in the process of planning their Kickoff Meetings … in the Mora area of Kanabec County and in Albert Lea for Freeborn County. CATs that are now meeting regularly (usually weekly) are listed below by County, Community they meet in, the day of the week, and time.

  1. Anoka/Ramsey (city) – Monday  6:30
  2. Chisago/Chisago City – Wednesday 6:00
  3. Crow Wing/Brainerd – Tuesday 7:00
  4. Dakota/Burnsville – Monday 6:30
  5. Douglas/Alexandria – Tuesday 6:00
  6. Hennepin/Crystal – Thursday 6:30
  7. Isanti/Princeton – Monday 7:00
  8. Ramsey/Shoreview – Tuesday 7:00
  9. Sherburne/Elk River – Tuesday 6:30
  10. Washington/Lake Elmo – Monday 6:30
  11. Wright/Buffalo – Tuesday 6:30

If you would like some details regarding these meetings and/or have a desire to attend, please complete the Will You Join Us? form found right on that same website page … Community Action Teams (CAT’s) – Restore Minnesota ( Also, please complete that same form if you have an interest to explore what it would take to start a Community Action Team in your area. Let us know how we may be of service to you by leaving a few comments in the Comment or Message section.

These Community Action Teams started about 2 ½ years ago, with most of them being less than 1 ½ years old. We have watched how individuals in these groups have found answers to their most common question,” What can we do?” This happens through the CAT meetings that offer education, equipping, empowering, and encouragement of Holy Spirit-led engagement in their communities. It also is an organic result of the synergy of like-minded Patriots, Christians, and Conservatives coming together to share ideas, enjoy healthy debate, pray as needed, learn new things, and lock arms to truly make a difference in this cultural and spiritual war we find ourselves in.

CAT members are going to, and influencing, local government meetings for the first time in their lives … County Boards, City Councils, Township Meetings, School Boards, Library Boards, and more. We are so pleased to watch many CAT leaders and members respond to the need and the call to run for office, for the very first time, in this election cycle including:  Mayor, County Commissioner, School Board, Township Boards, and even MN State Representative.

Having said that, please know that it is imperative for YOU to vote in this 2022 Mid-Term Election to elect these righteous, Godly, conservative candidates. We must work together to change our government from the bottom up!

There will be much more to talk about in future editions of our Restore Minnesota newsletters. I will be sharing about the many Task Forces we have operating within our Community Action Teams, such as Election Integrity, Grassroots/Local Government, Education, Intercession, Community Logistics and more. For now, please re-connect with us at the website link above. We are updating almost everything we do online, and want your best contact information to keep you informed going forward.

Dan Montague, Senior Steward

Restore MinnesotaCAT Ministries


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